About Us

Sustainable Views is a service for finance and business professionals from the Financial Times Group. It aims to be the authoritative source of information on developments in sustainability policy and regulation, the impact of environmental, social and governance factors on capital markets, and the transition to a green and just economy.

Through trend analysis, data journalism and informed comment, we provide readers with the insight they need to mitigate risk and stay ahead of peers on the defining issue of our time.

Our commitment

It is fundamental to the integrity and success of the Financial Times (FT) that we uphold the highest possible standards of ethical and professional journalism, and that we are seen to do so.

The benchmark for the FT’s journalistic practices is set by our FT Editorial Code. Compliance with the code is an obligation for all FT editorial staff.

Our actions

If you wish to request a clarification or correction, please email philippa.nuttall@ft.com. If you wish to make a complaint about any of our editorial content or journalistic activity, please contact philippa.nuttall@ft.com. Where any complaint under the FT Editorial Code is unable to be resolved by FT’s senior editors, the Complaints Commissioner will review the matter and recommend any appropriate redress.

In December 2021, the FT’s Appointments and Oversight Committee appointed Christina Michalos QC as its new Editorial Complaints Commissioner.

The role of Editorial Complaints Commissioner ensures an independent means of overseeing reader complaints. The role is a regulatory one, completely independent of the editor. The Oversight Committee and the Complaints Commissioner are part of FT governance structures that embed and ensure the highest standards in journalism.

Read our guide to the policies and processes of the Complaints Commissioner here.

Contact: complaints.commissioner@ft.com