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Companies could face big fines as European parliament agrees Green Claims Directive

Under the new EU rules, companies would have to submit evidence to nationally appointed verifiers about their environmental marketing claims before advertising products described as “biodegradable”, or“less polluting” (Photo: James Arthur Gekiere/ Belga Mag/AFP via Getty Images)
Under the new EU rules, companies would have to submit evidence to nationally appointed verifiers about their environmental marketing claims before advertising products described as “biodegradable”, or“less polluting” (Photo: James Arthur Gekiere/ Belga Mag/AFP via Getty Images)

Under new EU rules, companies would have their green claims verified before using them in advertising – with fines of up to 4% of annual turnover for those that fail to comply

Companies are advised to consider how green their products really are before they make any public claims, after the European parliament adopted its position on the proposed EU Green Claims Directive, which includes a ban on carbon offsetting claims and hefty penalties for non-compliance.

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