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Fink extols ‘energy pragmatism’ in letter to BlackRock investors

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink says even the most climate-conscious leaders see ‘their long-term path to decarbonisation will include hydrocarbons – albeit less of them – for some time to come’ (Photo: Victor J Blue/Bloomberg)
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink says even the most climate-conscious leaders see ‘their long-term path to decarbonisation will include hydrocarbons – albeit less of them – for some time to come’ (Photo: Victor J Blue/Bloomberg)

Those in charge of energy around the world believe renewables are important, but recognise that fossil fuels will play a role in maintaining security of supply, says BlackRock CEO Larry Fink

Leaders around the world are increasingly championing “energy pragmatism” – believing that there are roles for both renewable energy and fossil fuels to play, as they seek to decarbonise while also maintaining energy security, according to Larry Fink, chief executive and chair of asset manager BlackRock.

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